Altit Fort is situated in the village of Altit, about 3 km from Karimabad. It has been built on a sheer rock-cliff that falls 300 meters (1000 feet) into the Hunza River, and is about 100 years older than the nearby Baltit Fort.
Altit Hunza remained the capital village of Hunza for 800 years in history.this is a cultural village where mostly cultural activities can be observed.in ancient time Bo faw(Wheat spreading)festival Ginani Festival and other festivals were celebrated with zeal and zest in this village.
The history of Altit Fort is interesting.Although in ancient time the rulers of this area were not so much rich,but the diginity was there due to rulers.In this situation a princes namely shah khatoon who was the daughter of abdullah khan from Bultistan ruling family got married with a prince of Hunza. that time tha situation of Hunza was very poor even Rulers also.The people who were come with princes told the poor situation of that time of Hunza.Shamim baltistani says that this was happend in 1442.while the date of construction also written on the main gate of fort in sasecret languge,but now people can not read this language.I was talking about the construction of Altit fort,yes when these people discribed the situation infront of abdullah khan ruler of Baltistan who determined to build a glorious house for his daughter.Shah khatoon herself also felt the dearth of residence,So on the request of shah khatoon her father abdullah khan sent a famous construction master namily Alio from baltistan with some experts of construction means labores. some people says the total number of these were 60 and some says more than hundred.Who start this construction work on a rock and complete it in three years.Due to use of material in the form of mud and stones a big water tank which is called Fari in local language came in to existance.Up to60 years before this Fari was exsisted on a wast area atleast 5 cannals but now it has shrinked by people due to lack of cultivated land.Now this water tank Fari has been repeared by AKCSP in 2005-6.in the time of Ayashoo ruling families last Raja (Ruler) shifted this residence to Baltit.Although there was also a fort Baltit Fort was there, divided families of Raja were living there.No one look after of this Fort its distruction was started At the moment AKCSP take resposibility of this Fort,Now renevation work is in progress.We hope this fort will complete with in few years.
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